Mother Blanca Rodriguez-Evangelista, a trans woman with HIVAIDS who founds House of Evangelista, and trans and nonbinary actor Indya Moore, who plays trans woman Angel Evangelista, a sex worker who joins Blancas house. In fact, Pose made history by having the largest cast of openly trans actors starring as series regulars in a scripted show.Behind the scenes, trans writer and Transparent alum Our Lady J joins Mock and other trans and queer writers and crew members. By hiring trans folks for roles both behind and in front of the camera, Mock underscores the importance of being able to tell ones own stories on a popular and prestigious mainstream network.
The L Word Generation Q 2019–What can I say about The L Word that hasnt already Germany WhatsApp Number Data been said by Autostraddle CEO and co-founder Riese Bernard? When it hit Showtime in 2004, the original series was considered revolutionary for doing something as simple as treating queer women like full-fledged people. It also starred several queer actors, like Kate Moennig Ray Donovan, as well as LGBTQ talent behind the scenes, like writer Guinevere Turner The Watermelon Woman and co-creator Ilene Chaiken Twin Peaks. For many, The L.

Word really did feel life-altering its really all there was in the early aughts. But the show was also incredibly flawed. Masculine-of-center or Butch characters were pretty much non-existent. While Jennifer Beals Flashdance led the ensemble as the tenacious, passionate and somewhat self-destructive Bette Porter, the rest of the ensemble was largely white. Biphobia was rampant, despite a central character, Alice Leisha Hailey, identifying as bi. And then there was the transphobia, which was especially cruel and unrelenting. From left Jennifer Beals and Jordan