It helps companies offer a differentiated experience to their audience, leaving the power to choose how they want to consume this content in consumers’ hands, generating more connection and intimacy between brands and the public. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Are Also Important Issues Representation continues to have a strong impact on consumers’ purchasing decisions, especially those who fall into generations Y and Z, also called Generation P (Purpose). According to Global Consumer Pulse Research, a study done for Accenture, this generation represents almost 5 billion people.
In another survey, done by Adobe, 38% of respondents said they are more likely to consume products and services from brands that show diversity in their advertisements, and 34% have already boycotted a company or brand at least once because they don’t feel their identities Algeria WhatsApp Number were represented in company advertisements or actions. Another crucial point when we talk about inclusion is digital accessibility. Currently, around 15% of the world’s population has some type of disability. And even so, many companies are still unprepared to serve this demographic.

A survey by the English company Click-Away Pound showed that 69% of respondents abandon websites due to a lack of accessibility. Additionally, 86% said they would spend more if online stores were accessible. I think it’s undeniable how much the current generation cares about diversity, equity, and digital inclusion. So, to really connect with their audience, brands will need to take this topic seriously and invest in digital accessibility. it is a way to differentiate yourself from your competitors and exceed your consumers’ expectations. TikTok Is Getting Ahead of Even Google In 2022, TikTok established itself as a fever among young people and adults and remains a very strong digital trend for next year.