Caching Optimization SiteGround by default enables NGINX Direct Delivery for all the websites which helps all the site elements to load faster. You can use SuperCacher, NGINXbased dynamic cache and Memcached service via SG Optimizer plugin. SG Optimizer plugin incorporates lazy image loading, GZIP compression, automatic image optimizations, CSS and HTML minifications. Reseller Hosting You can choose from three types of reseller hosting plans which are suitable for different workflows.
You can resell as well as manage multiple websites easily through SiteGround. The following are the functionalities France WhatsApp Number Data through which you can easily manage tasks related to websites and resources. SiteGround Reseller Hosting User Dashboard You can manage multiple sites from a dashboard which is present in SiteGround Client Area. It consists of suspend and delete options, quick access to the Site Tools, search functionality, etc. Flexible Hosting Resources You can always scale up or down by changing your subscription plan anytime you want.

You can add more sites in just a few clicks, allot computational resources such as RAM and CPU along with additional storage space to your cloud. Advanced Tools and Expert Support You can take expert help in case you experience any kind of hosting related issues. You can access the help center from any page of your Client Area and Site Tools. SiteGround also provides a wide range of tools to help you build and manage sites easily.