Source public account: Silicon Star Pro (ID: Si-Planet), silicon (Si) is the basis for creating the future, welcome to this planet. This article is published with the authorization of 人人是正规的吗possibly a product manager’s cooperative media@SiXingren. Reprinting without permission is prohibited. The title image comes from Unsplash and is licensed under CC The opinions in this article represent only the author's own. The Renren Product Manager platform only provides information storage space services. Appreciate collect like After the entrepreneur finally
determines the market segment that he will enter, another Afghanistan WhatsApp Number crucial thing is to determine your positioning in the market segment. In this article, the author uses a tool called "Industry Value Chain Analysis" to explain how to find the position that best suits you in the market segment. In " STP, an analytical framework that every entrepreneur must be proficient in", Uncle Feng introduced the basic methods for entrepreneurs to divide market segments before setting off. In " Six Indicators, Making It No Longer Difficult to Select a Market Segment (I) " and " Six Indicators, Making

It No Longer (II) ", Uncle Feng then introduced the evaluation of whether a market segment is worth entering. key indicators. After the entrepreneur finally determines the market segment that he will enter, another crucial thing is to determine your positioning in the market segment. Positioning includes two levels: First, you need to determine your position in this market segment. Each market segment has many players and roles. Some players are responsible for designing products, some players are responsible for producing products, some players are responsible