I think it's a big change to be able to speak to the customer's level, such as using language and explaining terms. It was through writing articles for the Buzz Club that I realized that the words we normally use are actually technical terms that are difficult or difficult for the average person to understand. Furthermore, some of our members have developed the habit of looking for ``manifest needs'' and then ``latent needs'' from the words spoken by customers. "This person is saying this, but what is he really looking for?" I think that being able to understand the deep problems of our customers and solve them has been a huge growth for us. The Buzz Club makes you think deeply about your “needs” (lol) 4. About content marketing operations Life Doors meeting scene We asked him how he is proceeding with Buzz Club-style content marketing.
What kind of motivation do you have for participating in weekly meetings? Fortunately, all members are highly motivated. By writing articles, you are forced to stay tuned to the latest information and systems. By doing so, you will naturally acquire a wide range of knowledge and your Chinese UK Phone Number List meetings with customers will proceed smoothly. I believe that being able to apply what I learned in my actual work keeps my motivation high. ── in parallel with your regular work? In our case, the content is mainly created by our sales staff, who often use their time on the Shinkansen or in between meetings to do this work. We try to ensure that each member has time to concentrate according to their schedule. ──Are you doing anything to write good articles? In order to maintain the quality of articles, I, as a director, check all articles.

This is something I am still doing even now, a year and a half later. We are conscious of unifying the breadth, depth, and content of information and disseminating information as "Life Doors." Even after publishing, if I feel that information is missing or difficult to understand, I immediately rewrite it. Also, in order to write a good article, it is essential to pursue needs. When determining needs, we imagine the "situation" the user is in. To do this, we search for one person who is close to our existing customers. We write articles that thoroughly solve the person's problems and make them happy. ──Do you ever have trouble making progress with your articles? What do you do at that time? There are times when you can't make any progress in writing because you can't decide on the structure and table of contents for your article.