Business social media platforms and networks network example of social media Examples LinkedIn, Twitter Use Connecting with industry professionals, partners, and clients, advertising and applying for jobs How using them can benefit your business Your company can use business social media formats like LinkedIn and Twitter to build business to business (B2B) relationships and connect with prospects, partners, and clients, which is a fantastic social media advantage. You can also use this kind of social media to recruit top talent for your business by posting job advertisements and connecting with potential candidates.
4. Shoppable social media platforms and networks Instagram representing Brazil WhatsApp Number Data media sharing as a social media type Examples Instagram, Facebook Marketplace, TikTok, Shopify Use Browsing, researching, and purchasing products directly from brands How using them can benefit your business Social media shopping platforms give your audience the ability to purchase directly from your brand without needing to leave their app.

In just a few clicks, one of your products could be theirs. Use these social media sites to upload your product catalog and allow your audience to buy directly from your social media page. You can also use your social media store to add more information about your products and include links to your website to make it easier for your audience to research products, which can also help you drive more traffic to your website.