nd many businesses don't even realize they exist, meaning they miss out on opportunities to attract potential customers. How strong is your online presence? Find out in 90 seconds with free LOCALiQ Grader ! “Google My Business is an important marketing tool for businesses with brick-and-mortar locations,” she said. “It’s the first place people think of when they’re looking for a business, especially a local one, and that’s in a short time An easy way to increase your potential customers.
For example, Whittaker said that by focusing on Google B2B Email List listings, one client (a spa in Midtown Manhattan) saw that the listing appeared in Google searches 398% more times, phone calls increased 84%, and phone calls increased 153 times. % of traffic to the site. Another, a dermatologist who opened a new practice on Long Island and had a new listing, appeared in search results 8,900 times and received 280 referrals from that listing Website visits and 300 phone calls. Erin Sparks, CEO of digital marketing firm Site Strategies, said Google's new real estate and lead funnel features show that Gand that's Google Reasons to give businesses the tools to connect with said customers.

“From the Get a Quote feature to customizing menus of services to the relatively new Google Guaranteed Local Service Ads, it’s clear that Google wants you to use its tools to engage with customers as quickly as possible,” he adds. Learn local SEO with Marketing Lab’s free local SEO course! 13. Set up an automated email marketing campaign ResumeLab started automating its email marketing campaigns in 2019, says Maciej Baranowski, client engagement manager at career consulting site ResumeLab. is a "huge success."