Using OSS involves additional recording and declaration obligations. ifirma.plBlogTaxesWho and when can benefit from the Polish Ład pensioner relief Are you wondering who can benefit from the pensioner's relief All that remains is to read today's article. Relief for seniors - All the more so, the decision about whether to receive a pension and work requires reflection and analysis of all pros and cons. However, we will try to show examples how the settlement of the relief affects tax settlements.
Example 1 Mrs. Ilona reached retirement age in May 2022. However, she continued her employment and did not submit a declaration to the employer about not collecting income tax advances. He reached phone number list retirement age in November 2021, i.e. before the introduction of the Polish Order. He wasn't going to retire just yet anyway. Let's see what Mr. Piotr's settlement of his business activity will look like depending on the chosen form of taxation with the following assumptions: business revenu – costs of obtaining income, which also include social contributions.

PLN ooking at the above analyzes and statements, it is easy to notice that if Mr. Piotr does not take advantage of the pensioner's relief, he will bear much greater financial burdens. Summary It is not possible to clearly answer the question whether it is better to retire and receive a pension, or whether it is better to take advantage of the senior citizen's relief and not receive a pension. The relief for seniors does not exempt the entrepreneur from the obligation to pay ZUS contributions, both social and health contributions. After retirement, the entrepreneur continues to pay , but is no longer obliged to pay social contributions , which constitute a serious financial burden in the case of a large ZUS Social Insurance Institution.