Just know that you're likely going to need to allocate budget towards Amazon search, so that you can chase customers that are in the market to buy within your product category — even if they've never heard of you. At the end of the day, there is money to be had by selling on Amazon.
Just make sure your strategy maximizes your long-term vision Cameroon Email List and supports the e-commerce growth of your D2C efforts. Nick Lamothe is a co-founder and managing partner at Trident Growth Partners. He has over ten years of experience promoting e-commerce growth for brands of all sizes.
Why It’s Important for D2C Brands to Find Their Key Differentiators Laura Smous Laura Smous Senior Director of Product Marketing @ AdRoll Topics Covered: D2C/Ecommerce Unlike your strengths and weaknesses, key differentiators separate you from the competition. They can be an advantage for you and should also be something that your team can rally around, like your startup story or your core values as a company.