本帖最後由 shetu23 於 2024-3-12 17:22 編輯
If leadership impacts employees' mental health as much as a romantic partner and even more than therapists, as research from the Workforce Institute says, imagine the difference in an environment that has inspiring leadership and autocratic leadership. Shall we do an exercise? Visualize a company in which leaders are authoritarian and rely on a rigid hierarchy to command. They do not value the opinions of those they lead, they do not care about their feelings and needs, and they do not share what they feel, think and want for the future. Now consider a different scenario: an organizational context in which leaders listen to what the team has to say and respect their ideas and opinions, in addition to enjoying sharing ideas, world views and building common purposes. Which of these two scenarios do you think would be a better environment to work in? In which one do you imagine employees will have better results? Certainly the second option. And she describes precisely how inspiring leaders act. In this article, we will show you: summary What is inspirational leadership? How important is it to have inspiring leaders? How to develop and maintain inspiring leaders? Six characteristics of inspiring leaders What is inspirational leadership? Leaders inspire employees through trust, respect, empathy, open dialogue, constructive feedback, but mainly by sharing with them their worldview, their purpose and their trajectory.
To understand what we are talking about, it is worth mentioning the concept of Golden Circle by Simon Sinek, writer and specialist in corporate leadership, who supports his theory to explain how great leaders inspire . The Golden Circle is a leadership and communication framework that emphasizes the importance of “why,” “how,” and “what.” It has three layers with the “why” in the center, the “how” in the middle and the “what” on the outside. Why: At the center is the “why.” This represents the fundamental reason, the core belief that motivates a person or organization. It’s the answer to the question: “Why do Brazil Phone Number Data you do what you do?” The “why” is the engine of inspiration and motivation, in addition to being what differentiates truly visionary leaders and organizations. How: The middle layer of the circle represents the way in which an organization accomplishes its mission or how a leader fulfills his role. They are the strategy, values and principles that guide action. What : The outermost layer represents what exactly an organization does or the product/service it offers. It is the most tangible and visible aspect of the company. The author argues that to have a lasting impact and inspire people, it is essential to start our communications with the “why” and then move on to the other two questions, rather than the other way around.

And there’s a reason: Organizations and leaders who communicate their “why” effectively attract loyal followers and customers, creating deeper, more meaningful connections. Based on this theory, the inspirational leader communicates based on his why, that is, his purpose, involving the people around him. With this skill, inspirational leadership works as a guide that shows the group that a promising future is possible. It shows a transparent direction where the collective heads towards the same place and manages to highlight the best in each member of the team. He must have full control over the company's mission, objectives and goals to inspire by example. In practice, inspirational leadership incorporates a vision of the future that can influence everyone's feelings . Take on bold missions and convince, with intelligence and example, that it is possible to accomplish them. Leaders with this performance can scare those who are in a comfort zone, as new ideas and changes tend to be uncomfortable. It takes courage to take on this position, but with intelligence, responsibility and trust, it is possible to attract people to join forces in favor of great challenges.