At the time, the name was necessary. Currently, the term Content Marketing is already very well disseminated in the market. At least in Brazil, more than % of the companies that responded to the Content Trends survey (out of a total of more than , people) have already adopted the strategy. Currently, “Marketing de Conteúdo” has a volume of more than , searches per month and more than million results on Google. On the “Content Marketing” side, the search volume is still small, but, in Mexico alone, the term has , searches per month.
That is to say, the term is already more than widespread in the Brazilian Iran WhatsApp Number Data market and is gaining strength in countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Spain, among others. Well, first of all, the explanation of our domain was necessary. Now let's move on to the explanation of why we decided to make the change. Strengthening the Rock Content brand At the end of , in the first months of the blog in Portuguese, we reached the incredible mark of , entries in November.

At the time it was an incredible brand that showed the growth of the strategy. The term was beginning to be known by the market. In , the Spanish version of the blog was launched and in , it had its first good signs of growth, with , entries in May. Returning to Conteúdo Marketing, at the end of (with the blog on the air for years), it reached almost million revenues, showing the strength that the blog gained and how the term was already well disseminated within our market. And that mainly shows how “Marketing de Conteúdo” became its own brand. The largest Digital Marketing blog in Brazil. On the Content Marketing side, considering that it has been on the air for fewer years, by it managed to clo