Data analysis allows companies to continue being competitive every day, analyzing their products, analyzing information to shape it to the customer's needs, allowing us to better understand what a customer truly needs or is looking for in our products, thereby achieving a state of loyalty to the brand, the most important thing is not to stop carrying out analysis and data collection to achieve all the desired success and not only that , but also a social benefit, for example in the branches of health, education and gender equality.Login to respond Carmen From my point of view we are facing the transition to a new model although it is still to be consolidated.
This is fundamentally due to the selfish and competitive mentality in Denmark WhatsApp Number Data which we are immersed. On the other hand, in these moments of crisis, we have the opportunity to determine where we want to go, whether towards a somewhat conservative model where the bases of the previous model are maintained by making a few small changes or if we are really facing a profound and structural change. On the other hand, big data tools, in principle, do think that they can establish a business monopoly system due to the high cost of the technology to which not everyone has access. Now, there may be the case of small companies that operate well in specialized niches.

This represents great flexibility compared to large companies that have less room for maneuver. The versatility of big data reaches the field of science where certain moral dilemmas begin to arise in which, in principle, commercial logic will prevail, from my point of view. The main factor could be economic, where a few have access, due to its high cost, compared to the vast majority who cannot. On the other hand, there is the case in which the democratization of these techniques comes thanks to the standardization of industrial processes.