This eyewear crisis was the impetus for the founding of Warby Parker, which offers stylish eyeglass frames at a low price and also works with non-profit organizations. Warby Parker's founding story is quickly told and has a high potential for identification, making it an all-round successful company story. Company portraits In addition to the founding story, every company has many other small and large stories that are rooted in the culture of the company - whether from an employee or from the executive suite. These corporate identity stories are based on the history of the company and can be used very well to convey values and visions for the future.
Important questions The following questions will help you find content for your company Special Data portraits: What are the key points of my corporate culture? What are my values? What are my visions? Are there stories (from my company) that illustrate the principles of my company, my values, my visions? Stories that focus on the company's willingness to help are also suitable for company portraits. Does your company engage in volunteer work? Does it help the community? Is it committed to sustainability? There are stories here that are easy to work through emotionally. A good example of this is the “Virtual Giving Trip” from TOMS, which I briefly introduced in my article on storytelling trends 2017 .

Example: Jack Rudy cocktail Drink like your great-grandfather – that is the motto of Jack Rudy Cocktail Co. The company has found a clever way to convey its values and traditions. Because the founder's great-grandfather embodies what the brand is all about like no other. Jack Rudy Cocktails Co - jackrudycocktailco.com.What's special: The paragraph about Jack Rudy wasn't written by a marketing agency, but comes from a letter that the founder's mother sent to him . Today you can find the story about Jack Rudy not only on the Jack Rudy Cocktail Co. website, but also on the company's bottles. Customer examples My customer has a problem. He then uses my product and his life is perfect again - it is not uncommon for customer examples to only be used to present the advantages of a product and without any suspense or an interesting story.